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Ranges are a critical to support ongoing underwater operations. They provide a controlled environment to calibrate and validate sensors, determine acoustic source levels for submarines and ships, and provide safety and ground-truth data for undersea warfare exercises and torpedo firings. They are commonly used to support submarines, anti-submarine warfare tools and mine warfare. Underwater ranges are complex systems requiring specialist tools to help deploy, recover and accurately track the equipment and kit while submerged.

Essential tools for underwater range operations

This is where the right equipment can determine the difference between success and failure. If you are operating a range here is a handy list of tools:

Train like you fight

Most naval ranges require significant infrastructure and maintenance, and they are busy supporting existing naval capabilities. With a new generation of uncrewed systems being developed in large numbers, additional capacity and scalable solutions are needed.

To develop a solution to this bow wave of need for additional underwater acoustic and tracking range capability and capacity, Forcys has been working in conjunction with Sonardyne to supply the Position Vector Transponder (PVT). These PVTs form the heart of a deployable system and can be delivered — on a lean budget — anywhere at any depth. They deliver high positional accuracy and can track across a larger volume of water than a USBL solution. They can be scaled down or up to meet specific concepts of operation requirements. This system has already been demonstrated in partnership with QinetiQ at MoD BUTEC and REPMUS.

Using the same building blocks as the permanently deployed solution at Smart Sound Plymouth, our solutions are proven and deliver results needed to get our warfighters ready.

If you would like to find out more please don’t hesitate to get in touch.